As we prepare to begin the day, the new week, our mind may not be as calm as we might want. But, we thank God for a new day with new opportunities for grace. Thank you for my beating heart and my breathing lungs which have given me yet another day in your creation.
What desires do I have for today and for this week?
Let us now try to access our feelings. What are they right now? How did I sleep? Have any feelings or excitements or fears spilled from the weekend spilled over to the morning? Do you I feel confident? Hopeful? Upset? Tired? Confused? Uncertain? Anything else…? Pick one and consider it in the loving presence of God.
God knows all our feelings well. As we begin today and this week, we go forth as God made us, loved, with gifts and talents. This is our identity in God. With this in mind, do we anticipate any challenges today?
Now let us take our desires for today/this week, our feelings, especially the one on which we focused, and the challenges we anticipate and give all them to God. What would be your one-sentence to God right now as you face a new day/new week? Say it right now….
Lord Jesus Christ, pierce my soul with your love so that I may always long for you alone, who are the bread of angels and the fulfilment of the soul’s deepest desires. May my heart always hunger and feed upon you so that my soul may be filled with the sweetness of your presence. May my soul thirst for you, who are the source of life, wisdom, knowledge, light and all the riches of God our Father. May I always seek and find you, think upon you, speak to you and do all things for honour and glory of your holy name. Be always my only hope, my peace, my refuge and my help in whom my heart is rooted so that I may never be separated from you.