Beautiful and happy creatures! Wonderful colours - revealing our Creator's creativity, love, and fantasy!
GUESS WHO IS HERE? Kity... Nawette's cat:)
MIRACLES OF LIFE - Photograph courtesy by the British Minirex Society. Bunny's love:)
Photograph courtesy by the British Minirex Society (a friend of Saint Augustine's!) - have a look at this miracle of life! These bunnies show us the miracle of life and care... How wonderfully are mirrored divine and human care in the life of these lovely creatures!
Suzy-family. Now Suzy has kittens. Actually, there are for of them. A year ago, Arthur was holding small Suzy... now he is holding small "Suzy2". Is not it a miracle of life?
Suzy (whom I took to be a 'he' before I learnt her name) is playing her favorurite tricks for you. She is cute, is not she? Suzy is fun and a very good company for Arthur.