On Fridays, we visit the sick of our parish who are on our sick-list. If you live in Grahame Park and need a visit (home communion and/or pastoral conversation), please contact us on 0208051979 or via[email protected]
If you would like us to pray for someone who is ill, please contact us. We regularly pray for our sick in the Evening Prayers. At your request, we can remember your relative or friend in one of our daily Masses.
Prayers for Healing Those who face an operation, or in need of encouragement because of an illness, if they can attend our Mass, we can pray for them in a special way within the Eucharistic celebration by laying on of hands.
The laying on of hands can be received for oneself or on behalf of another in need.
'God of mercy, Lord of life, you are tender towards your children and your mercy is over all your works. Embrace us with your love, heal the memories of hurt and failure, bind up the wounds of past mistakes and by your forgiveness make us whole. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.'
'The Love of God has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been give to us: we dwell in him and he lives in us. Draw near therefore in faith.
In the name of God and trusting in his might alone, receive Christ's healing touch to make you whole.'