Baptisms happen regularly throughout the year and are available to everyone. These are offered as part of the main Sunday services. In Baptism we thank God for the gift of life and welcome those baptised into the Church.
If you would like to discuss being baptised or having your child baptised at St Augustine's, please contact us either in person, by phone or via the form below.
Are you living in the parish? − If you live in the parish and you are not baptised yet, we encourage you to join in the liturgical life of the parish, at least on few occasions. − If as parents you live in the parish, and both of you wish your child to be baptised, she/he can be baptised. In a conversation, we would like to know your motive and explain what the Christian meaning of baptism, what happens in it. If you are not familiar with the Christian faith, we encourage you to worship with us and attend few services.
Are you living outside the parish? If you live outside the parish, your child can be baptised. Besides the agreement of both parents, we will need the permission of your vicar (the parish priest in whose parish you are a resident).
Be sure that your child has not been baptised before (We accept baptism if the person was baptised in the name of the Holy Trinity, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit).
For your child, you will need godparents. A godparent has to be baptised and, ideally, confirmed.
There is no rule how many godparents the baptisand can have
the child needs minimum 2 godparents.
Recommended: 2 of the same sex 1 of the opposite sex
parents can be godparents of their children provided that their child has at least one godparent
godparents: should be over 18, ideally, 16 is also allowed as this is a legal age to be a parent
Godparents should fully understand their role: 'Faithfully fulfill their responsibilities both by their care for the children committed to their charge and by the example of their own godly living' (Canon B23)
‒ For adults, godparents are not required. Instead. The adult should choose sponsors. These should be people who present them in the service of Baptism and afterwards remind them of their Christian profession and duties.
Please, download our Application form for Baptism and send it back to [email protected] or obtain it when you contact us at the parish