MORNING PRAYER combined with MASS : Monday to Friday 7.30 AM EVENING PRAYER: Mo-Fri 6.00 PM MASS on SUNDAY 10 AM. Texts for Prayers: http://www.oremus.org/cofe.html or you can buy your hard-copy here: https://www.chpublishing.co.uk/books/9780715121993/common-worship-daily-pray OUR PRAYER OF PUBLIC PENANCE · Almighty and merciful God, you have brought us together in the name of your Son to receive your mercy and grace in our time of need. · Open our eyes to see the evil we have done. Touch our hearts and convert us to yourself. · Where sin has divided and scattered, may your love make one again; where sin has brought weakness, may your power heal and strengthen; where sin has brought death, may your Spirit raise to new life. · Give us a new heart to love you, so that our lives may reflect the image of your Son. · May the world see the glory of Christ revealed in your church, and come to know that he is the one whom you have sent, Jesus Christ, your Son, our Lord. NOW WE ARE IN:
-------------------------------------------------------------------- PREVIOUS SEASONS IN THE LITURGICAL YEAR: The Holy Week. It is a week like no other. It’s the climax of the year for Christians. In this great week we follow Jesus through the extraordinary events of the last week of his earthly life. The apparent triumph of Palm Sunday with the crowds hailing Jesus as the Messiah comes to Jerusalem. Holy Thursday celebrates the new act of worship, sacrifice and fellowship for his new people. In the garden of Getshemane we see the arrest, trial and condemnation of the Son of God. On Good Friday he is ‘lifted up’ to draw all humanity to himself. Then the burial in Joseph of Arimathea’s grave. It will be followed by the amazement of Easter as the disciples are forced to realise that Jesus is no longer dead. He is living and calling them to be his messengers to the unbelieving world.Let us make sure that we are renewed and deepened in that faith in this Holy Week. Turn off the telly! Join fellow Christians worldwide in the wonderful services which record and celebrate the Christ who loves and saves us! Laetare Sunday is the fourth Sunday in the season of Lent. Traditionally, this Sunday has been a day of celebration within the austere period of Lent. This Sunday gets its name from the first few words of the traditional Latin entrance verse for the Mass of the day. "Laetare Jerusalem", Rejoice Jerusalem. The meaning of Lent. This week, on Wednesday the Lenten season begins. The colour of Lent is violet (purple), those of penitence and mourning. In Lent, we remember that through our baptism we died to sin and were raised to a new life in Christ. This penitential season transports us back to the moment of the fundamental break in our relationship with our Creator and therefore to the possibility of a fundamental healing in that relationship. We prepare for the celebration of Easter, the three sacred days of Good Friday, Holy Saturday, and Easter Day, the days of our Lord’s passion and resurrection.
Ordinary Time. The time between Epiphany and Ash Wednesday and between the Day of Pentecost and the beginning of Advent are the two “green seasons”, so called from their liturgical colours. This long trek of “Ordinary Time”, the thirty-four weeks which extend from now till the end of November and the start of Advent. This time is calling us to be people of hope, particularly hope in the next generation. The colour of hope and growth is green. Indeed, from now on we concentrate on the work which affects our future.
THIS WEEK: 1st week in OT
Mo 13th January /Feria 7.30 am Mass with Morning Prayer 11 am-12.00 pm: one to one Pastoral Conversation in Beaufort Pub 17.15 pm Artworkshop for Kids (BP) 18.00 pm Evening Prayer Tue 14th January/ Feria 7.30 am Mass with Morning Prayer 11 am Beaufort Park Coffee Morning 6.00 pm Evening Prayer Wed – 15th January/ Feria 7.30 am Mass with Morning Prayer 12.00pm Lunch Club 6.00 pm Evening Prayer Thu 16th January / Feria 7.30 am Mass with Morning Prayer 18.00 pm Evening Prayer 7.30 pm Bible Group in BeaufPark Friday 17th January/ Feria 7.30 am Mass with Morning Prayer 6.00 pm Evening Prayer
On Sundays: 5-6 pm: Art for Wellness for Adults in Beaufort Park On Mondays: 11 am -12 pm, Pastoral/ Personal Conversation in Beaufort Pub with Fr Joseph On Tuesdays: Coffee Morning in Beaufort Park – all are welcome! All enquiries to Fr Joseph on 02082051979, [email protected] HALL RENTAL to Joseph Hayibo on Whatsapp 07836711995. Nursery: 07555380069, Wardens: Margaret Fadeyi and Philip Cullingford - Youth Worker: Esperanza Walsh [email protected] NEXT WEEK: 2nd week in OT during this week: Mo 20th January /Feria (green) 7.30 am Mass with Morning Prayer 11 am-12.00 pm: one to one Pastoral Conversation in Beaufort Pub 17.15 pm Artworkshop for Kids (BP) 18.00 pm Evening Prayer Tue 21st January/ Feria (green) 7.30 am Mass with Morning Prayer 11 am Beaufort Park Coffee Morning 6.00 pm Evening Prayer Wed – 22nd Jan/ Commemoration Saint Vincent Deacon, Martyr (red) 7.30 am Mass with Morning Prayer 12.00pm Lunch Club 6.00 pm Evening Prayer Thu 23rd Jan / Feria (green) 7.30 am Mass with Morning Prayer 18.00 pm Evening Prayer 7.30 pm Bible Group in BeaufPark Friday 24th Jan/ Commemoration St Francis de Sáles, Bish, Dr (white) 7.30 am Mass with Morning Prayer 6.00 pm Evening Prayer
On Sundays: 5-6 pm: Art for Wellness for Adults in Beaufort Park On Mondays: 11 am -12 pm, Pastoral/ Personal Conversation in Beaufort Pub with Fr Joseph On Tuesdays: Coffee Morning in Beaufort Park – all are welcome! All enquiries to Fr Joseph on 02082051979, [email protected] HALL RENTAL to Joseph Hayibo on Whatsapp 07836711995. Nursery: 07555380069, Wardens: Margaret Fadeyi and Philip Cullingford - Youth Worker: Esperanza Walsh [email protected] PLEASE, SUPPORT OUR WORK in one of the most deprived areas of London by signing up to #easyfundraising and help us raise FREE funds for Saint Augustine's Church, Grahame Park when you're doing your everyday shopping online. THIS IS FREE MONEY FOR US! Plus, when you raise your first £5, easyfundraising will match it!! This short video explains how simple it is and it doesn't cost you anything – http://efraising.org/cv1Wj5Bman.
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