St Augustine's was built in 1975 and since then has served Grahame Park and the communities which surround it.
Our Sunday Mass at 10am is sung and attended by all ages. We welcome new people and rejoice that we're drawn from such a diverse set of communities. Within the Church of England, we are a community in the Catholic Tradition. As Catholic Anglicans, St Augustine's has a strong commitment to working on the unity of our churches, particularly with our Roman Catholic brothers and sisters.
Hungarian Pastorate/ Magyar nyelvű pasztoráció: Terveink között szerepel az észak-Londonban élők számára egy magyar közösség létrehozása. Érdeklődj magyarul is a [email protected] - on. Szeretettel várunk heti szertartásainkra kapcsolatfelvételre, lelkipásztori beszélgetésre; illetve hívd a plébánia számát.
How to find us From Colindale tube station (right in front of the entrance) buses 303 and 204 take you to Quakers Course bus stop (2 mins, second bus stop) from which the Church is literally a minute walk just on the other side of the block of flats at the end of the green.
From Grahame Park, to find us from the Concourse, head towards the Post Office and the Spar supermarket, walk past them and go through the arches. We're just on the other side.