Our Biblical Blog /'Examined Life'
Our Biblical Blog /'Examined Life'
Heart and Temple; Heart in the Temple
The anger of Jesus who expels the money-changers from the Temple should captivate us. The ‘commercial activity’ in the house of prayer is a symbolic contrast. It denotes all that turns the soul away from its revitalising source. ‘Money’ is indeed a profound metaphor… What are those things today which the Lord of our soul can be angry with? This question is crucial to be raised in ‘the age of distractions’ where we life amidst centrifugal fores. What makes us dumb to our truer self? What makes us captives of the desires of our ego? What causes it that our innate narcissism always has the upper hand? Perhaps, a good way to define the object of Jesus’ anger is to scrutinize all those things in our lives what are ‘not genuine listeners to our soul’. The problem seems to be that we are not listened to by these diverse activities. They become, like the money in the Biblical scene, just dumb mirrors hold before us. ‘Money’ is not a genuine listener to the self. It only mirrors and magnifies our innate narcissism. As an outcome, we can be lost in ourselves for good. Is it cheap to say, that Jesus – his church - is our true mirror? Of course not. He challenges us, he rebukes us, he encourages us, he tells honestly where we are. Unlike ‘money’ (cyberspace, news, commerce), he talks to us. To our heart, which is part of his Temple. 27.02.2019
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These are verbal Icons, expressions of how the world is seen from Saint Augustine's.. Archives
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